Have you ever had one of those days where you thought everything was going right: Technology worked, students engaged, you had the answers everyone needed… and then something went wrong?
Maybe the wind blew and the electricity went out long enough to shut down your interactive board and computer. Maybe you realized that student you thought was diligently reading his book was actually covertly Snapchatting. Or maybe a student pointed out that the slide deck you’d spent hours creating missed one crucial element…
I can identify with that last one because I setup the curated resources for The Scholarship Jacket and linked it it the 40+ Excellent Short Stories for Middle School post.
But, I didn’t setup the link inside your Customer Area. If you logged in there to access your resources, you’ll have seen that you signed up–but no link.
Fortunately, a teacher sent me a help desk ticket alerting me to the problem. I have fixed it, and now you can access our The Scholarship Jacket curated resources through your Customer Area, too.
If you find any more bugs in the system, please send a ticket to the help desk. Just login with your normal RTE credentials. Or reply to any of the emails I’ve sent you.