The Story:
One of the biggest strengths teachers have as a group is our willingness to work together for the benefit of our students. Regardless of what anyone says, we know that we'll often sacrifice our own families, time, and health in order to do the best job possible teaching the children in our care.
Also, as writing and/or reading teachers, we love our subjects, and we know how much fun the kids can have, and how much growth they can experience, when we help them discover a love of writing and reading.
We absolutely have the power to change the lives of our students.
One of the biggest struggles teachers face is the lack of pay.
- Yes, I know we didn't sign up for money.
- Yes, I know we're the most important in-class influence on kids and their future success.
- Yes, I know we should be happy to have jobs during the pandemic and in the resulting economy.
I also know this doesn't pay our mortgages, keep the electricity on, or buy new new computers for our kids. We're teachers because we want to make a difference, but at the end of the day, we still have to take care of our families. Some of us happen to have spouses who are paid a living wage (meaning that if they were supporting our families alone, they would not qualify for food stamps and would be able to pay their bills each month and still have money to buy gas and food), and so for those teachers, this profession can be the calling it should be.
Unfortunately, the rest of us have to stress over the bills, especially if we're still paying off student loans, and/or need to gain further education to add to our pedagogical toolboxes.
To make those ends meet, some teachers have resorted to alternate means of plugging the financial holes:
- Delivering pizzas after school
- Teaching at a driving school
- Designing and promoting websites
- Working the night shift at a hotel
- Providing customer service at a department store
- Teaching summer school
- Tutoring students in SAT/ACT prep
This is after several hours of managing classrooms, grading papers, planning lessons, driving buses (if you're in a small district), and sponsoring extracurricular activities.
I say all this, but not to complain.
Instead, I prefer to find solutions — ones that involve teachers taking what they already know and using that knowledge to help others, while at the same time earning some much-needed extra income.
I have taken my own advice and started creating middle and high school classroom lessons and resources to help teachers. I give away some of my creations, and I also sell some of them.
This is where I help you.
If you're wanting to make extra income online as an RTE Resource Partner, particularly if you already have an existing website where you're making connections with other teachers in your field, I'd love for you to partner with me and earn a 50% commission when your followers purchase an RTE resource you recommend. This is great if you already have a popular blog or website, or just people who listen to your recommendations. Basically, you tell other people about the resources we have on our website, and send them your link to our site. You earn a commission when that person buys.
I know. This means you have to sell something. But I'm not talking about a hard sell. I'm talking about sharing great done-for-you, print or upload-and-go resources that can take the stress off your fellow teachers. I'm talking about resources that you've already tried, and that you can recommend honestly to your friends and colleagues.
This works great if you have people who listen to your recommendations and you can bubble over with enthusiasm about plans you love. But what if you don't like selling? What if you'd rather hide in your classroom and create lesson plans? Perhaps you have some really great project-based, service learning, social change lesson ideas, but you have no idea how to get them ready for the public or how to convince other people to buy them. And we all know you probably don't have the time, if you're having to work more than one job.
That's where the RTE Joint Venture Partner program can help you. You pitch your idea to us. If we like it, we'll work with you to develop the unit into a marketable package and sell it directly on our website. You don't have to market the lessons, you don't have to sell the lessons. You create the lesson, sit back, and earn a 50% royalty for the work you did once.
Are you ready to start earning extra income to help make your teacher life easier?

Join our Resource Partners Program!
Not only will we send you weekly training emails so you can learn how to earn extra income without cold calling, high pressure sales tactics, or just feeling icky. We'll help you serve your fellow English teachers and departments by directing them to exactly what they need.