Do you have an idea for an article, podcast episode, or teacher resource?

We want to work with you!

We are seeking teachers and authors who are willing to partner with us to create blog posts, podcast episodes, lesson plans or professional development that center your message and content for delivery to teachers of young adults. We are particularly looking for:
- texts written for young adults (13-18) that address social justice and social change themes
- pedagogical, research-based articles written for secondary English Language Arts teachers
- how-to topics for the blog or podcast based on specific theoretical frameworks and how to apply them within the context of a secondary ELA class
With thousands of teachers on our list, we can create an engaging unit around your work and promote it to teachers around the globe who are looking for writing that students WANT to read.
We are particularly interested in publishing pieces by authors who are unpublished or self-published and who want to observe and/or participate in the unit creation and marketing processes. We value your feedback and appreciate your promotional efforts.
How do I get started?

In order to join the RTE Writing Partner program, fill out the form below to pitch your idea to us. If we like it, we'll work with you to develop the unit into a marketable package and sell it directly on our website. You don't have to market the lessons, you don't have to sell the lessons (although you can if you want and have an audience of teachers).
You (Author) grant reThink ELA LLC (Publisher) a non-exclusive license to use, publish, edit, reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, and prepare derivative works based upon your Creative Work as part of our educational products. Then you earn a 50% royalties on all units sold that include your Creative Work.
Note: Blog articles and podcast episodes are NOT paid, as we do not charge our readers for these information sources.
You also grant reThink ELA LLC the right to use Author's name, likeness, and biographical information in association with our activities undertaken in connection with this Agreement, including without limitation in the promotion, advertising, sales, and licensing of the Creative Work.
Scope of License. The licenses and authorizations shall be in perpetuity (subject to termination and reversion), worldwide, and in all media now known or later developed. You reserve all rights not granted to Publisher in this Agreement.
All the above licenses will be worldwide in the English language only, and will endure for all terms of copyright in the article in all media, including media discovered hereafter.
Are you ready to publish your writing to an audience hungry for your work?
Ready to pitch your idea?
Schedule a 30-minute consultation to discuss your work and how it can fit within the context of our mission. Make sure you briefly describe your idea within the scheduling form. Please note that spam or incomplete appointments will be cancelled without notification.
Warranties: You warrant that you are the sole author of the Creative Work, and generally that you have a complete and unencumbered right to make the grants you make to us (especially with regard to previously published material). You also warrant that the Creative Work does not libel anyone, invade anyone's copyright, patent, or trade secret rights, or otherwise violate applicable law. You agree to indemnify reThink ELA LLC against any claim or action alleging facts which, if true, constitute a breach of any of the foregoing warranties.