Are You Struggling to Find Reading Strategies that Actually Increase Student Comprehension and Motivation?

You've tried everything to convince your students to practice their reading comprehension skills.
You've handed out close reading worksheets, decorated your walls with posters encouraging students to write in their dialectical journals, skim and scan, question the text, fill out their KWHL chart, and gone over your favorite reading strategies with them a million times.
You've taught them the TQE (Thoughts, Questions, and Epiphanies) strategy.
But with some of your middle and high school students reading on an elementary level, you're struggling to find materials that are both interesting to them and easy to comprehend. It doesn't help their their friends with on-level reading skills don't enjoy reading a good story either.
More and more students are dead set against reading anything longer than a tweet. They'd rather scroll through Instagram or send snaps of the ceiling to maintain their streaks.
But what if you could change that? What if you could take advantage of their drive to talk to their friends and share their lives to motivate them to choose their own reading, chart their journey, and share THAT journey with their friends and peers?
We are planning a webinar for later this year to introduce you to the Reading TRIIPS curriculum I've spent the past five years designing. Early birds get free access to the webinar, so sign up now. Even if you won't be able to attend the webinar, there will be replays available.

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